2009 sculpture, Hermit's Nest

In this work “Hermits Nest”, my goal was to use only materials that were either reusable, or compostable. I am currently exploring temporary structures, temporary materials and the theme of transformation.

“Hermits Nest” has a personal narrative of self protection. The eggshell represents the barrier I create to keep myself sane. The nest of fingers symbolize my ability to make a safe space or home wherever I am, and the germinating seeds are metaphoric seeds, that I have planted in order to give me energy and sustenance to live.


Hermit's Nest.   
Beeswax, eggshell, flax seeds, gelatin, glass disk, cardboard, paper.
© Benjamin D. Owens, November 2009

Hermit Crab.   Beeswax, eggshell.

© Benjamin D. Owens, November 2009